Noeska's Delphi OpenGL Site
glModel can now also load basic directx meshes.
WaveFront obj files can now be saved also. Check the latest version (3.2a) in the svn.
glModel is under version control (again). Have a look at the project site for the public svn access details.
gl3ds recieved a new name: glModel . I was not happy with the name for a long time as besides 3ds files it also reads and writes milkhsape ascii files. With release 3.0 it recieved a mechanism like timage allowing even more formats. E.g. now it also reads .obj files. So now it is glModel.
A new year and a new release for gl3ds. New is support for the wavefront .obj fileformat.
Finally a new release of gl3ds. This is a total rewrite. It is now open for multiple fileformat and rendertargets. So i may rename the project in the future.
The webpm cvs for the projects on this site is back online now at You can login with anonymous / anonymous.
A new version of gl3ds that supports the latest glBitmap and DGLOpenGL. It now also works easy with vcl. The only extrernal units are DGLOpenGL and glBitmap.
The gl3ds project is updated. Some various buxfixes were made to it. For instance meshes with no material assigned to them work. New is opacity maps.
Gl3ds is now at version 2.5. Now it supports bumpmapping.
An example has been uploaded for glgui. It shows what is possible with glgui. Also it features an editbox.
gl3ds now calculates bounding boxes for each submesh instead of for the whole 3ds file. Now it is possible to render a 3ds using frustum culling, allowing to only render those meshes that are visible.
A new version of gl3ds has been uploaded. Now it supports two sided materials and the render order is changed from clockwise to counterclockwise. Also a new fileformat (.bin) has been added.