



This is the template is use for Delphi OpenGL applications.
There is no support for Kylix yet.
The template is based on the template from

Put glwin.pas and glwinvar.pas in a library folder. Do not edit these files.
Put glapp.pas and OpenGLApp.dpr in your project. Use the files to make your openg application.

In glapp.pas there are the following procedures:
procedure gldraw; //draw the scene
procedure glinit; //init the scene
procedure glexit; //exit the scene
procedure glanim; //set advance animations
procedure ProcessKeys; //process keyboard
procedure ProcessMouseClick; //process mouse clicks
procedure ProcessMouseMove; //process mouse moves
Fill these with your own rendering animations etc program lines.

In glwinvar there are the following vars you can use:
WND_TITLE: pchar = ’OpenGL 1.5 Template Example by Noeska’;
WND_XSIZE: integer = 800;
WND_YSIZE: integer = 600;
WND_BPP: integer = 32;
FPS_TIMER: integer = 1; // Timer to calculate FrameRate
FPS_ANIM_TIMER: integer = 2; // Timer for animation
FPS_INTERVAL: integer = 1000; // Calculate FPS every 1000 ms
h_Wnd : HWND; // Global window handle
h_DC : HDC; // Global device context
h_RC : HGLRC; // OpenGL rendering context
FPSCount : Integer = 0; // Counter for FPS
ElapsedTime : Longword; // Elapsed time between frames
finished : Boolean; //exit application if true
cursoron: boolean= true;
// Mouse Variables
MouseMove : boolean = false; // Is the mouse moving?
MoveXcoord, MoveYcoord : Integer; // Current X and Y position of the cursor
MouseButton : Integer = -1; // mouse button down
Xcoord, Ycoord : Integer; // Current X and Y position where the mouse was clicked
// Keyboard Variables
keys : Array[0..255] of Boolean; // Holds keystrokes
currentkey: integer; // Holds last keystroke

More documentation and cleaner sourcecode will follow...